Monday, January 17, 2011

Special Feature On Nuclear Medicine

Jan. 17,2011

Special Feature

Shedding Light On Nuclear Medicine

By Alice H. Reyes

For over three decades since meeting my long-time physician, Federico B. Cruz,(a bachelor of arts graduate of Ateneo de Manila Univesity,Doctor of Medicine, University of the Philippines, and master’s of science, University of London),I had only a vague notion of the medical subspecialty called nuclear medicine.

Recently, I took the opportunity to seek enlightenment on the subject, noting that Dr. Cruz chairs the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Medical Center Manila.

“Why”, I ask him, “did you chose nuclear medicine as a specialty and what is nuclear medicine?”.

“AT a time when I finished my residency in internal medicine”, he replies,” nuclear medicine was a young specialty with very few experts in the field. I found it very convenient to train in endocrinology and nuclear medicine simultaneously under the earliest specialty in the field.”

His trainors then at the Philippine General Hospital included the Father of Nuclear Medicine in the Philippines Dr. Paulo C.Campos, and pioneers like Dr. Leland Villadolid, Dr.Flora Pascasio,and Dr. Norman Gaffud.

Because nuclear medicine was a new specialty,Dr, Cruz pursuit graduate studies at the University of London where he got his master’s of science degree in nuclear medicine.

“Nuclear Medicine”, Dr Cruz says, “is a subspecialty of medicine which uses radioactive materials in the form of chemical or biochemical substances which are labeled with radioactive isotopes of certain elements. Minute amounts of these radioactive substances are used by injection into a patient’s vein or taken orally in order to study the images that represent the function of an organ of interest such as the heart or the thyroid gland.”

When a radioactive substance is concentrated on an organ of interest such as the heart, the image produced by the detection of gamma rays(using a detector instrument usually the gamma camera),represents a functional image of the heart. A cardiac scan using 99m Technessium M1B1 or 201 Thallium can therefore demonstrate both the adequacy of blood flow and pumping ability of various areas of the heart.

Nuclear medicine according to Dr. Cruz, offers treatment for various illnesses including goiter, thyroid cancer, and certain blood dyscrasias (when the constituents of the blood are abnormal as in leukemia).

At present, the most common nuclear imaging procedures requested are: imaging of the heart muscles for blood flow and functions, study of the kidneys’ functional anatomy; study of the function and localization of the endocrine organs, and functioning tumors(including the function of the thyroid, overactive or not, or nodules in it); examination of bones for fracture,infection,,arthritis, tumor or spread of cancer; lung imaging for respiratory and blood flow problems, determining if the gallbladder is inflamed; studying the density of bone in cases prone to fractures(osteoporosis),etc.

The equipment use in nuclear medicine for imaging is the gamma camera, a steel and lead encased detector head that measures radiation and, with the help of the computer, is capable of mapping out the functional anatomy of various body organs. Most detector heads can rotate around the patient and produce three-dimensional images. Radioimmunoassays use a small machine called a gamma counter, capable of counting accurately very small amounts of radiation. Most of these machines are automated and coupled also with computers to enhance their speed and accuracy.

The advantages of nuclear medicine procedures, notes, Dr. Cruz, lie in their unique information, the functional data from the imaging studies, and the very precise results, both of which provide data which can facilitate diagnosis and plan of treatment for the patient.

“Imaging gives much more benefit for diagnostic results compared to more invasive procedures. In fact the benefit of non-invasive imaging over surgical exploration is not only in the lower cost but in practically no morbidity for the patient”, he elaborates.

“The use of these procedures for more than 50 years shows there are no adverse effects associated with the use of very low doses of radiation, at times even lower than routine x-ray procedures”, he adds.

Dr. Cruz, whose patients flock to his clinic at the Medical Center Manila from over the country, a clinical professor at the UP College of Medicine,Manila,must know whereof he speaks.

Nuclear medicine, at last, is no longer a mystery to us.(Alice H. Reyes, guest writer, Philippine Star)

Postcript: Rainbow appearances are natural occurrence in the eastern sky, particularly when there is widespread drizzles or light rains, as skygazers have observed.However, not all of us were luckily able to see two rainbows simultaneously appearing in the eastern horizon.Fortunately,I have already seen in two separate instances two rainbows simultaneously forming in their habitual place. I have witnessed all these two memorable events here in this ten-year-old city of Maasin.In Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental where my older siblings and I were growing up and living for long years, seeing two rainbows appearing at the same time is yet to be seen. Some people say that seeing two rainbows appearing in the sky is a sign of good luck. If the gift of good luck can be chosen, I like to have a house-and-lot luck where the inhabitants of the place love peace and order.

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    Nanobubbles hammer plaque

    Valencia, 04-02-2001.
    Estado, Carabobo.
    Atención; Ciudadana fiscal general LUISA ORTEGA DIAZ.
    Fraude Electronico: Elecciones 2012.
    Utilización de Nano partículas (Nano Celulares), estos pueden ser usados ​​por presidentes para manipular a ciudadanos.

    La manipulación es realizada con descargas NANO VOLTAICAS, esta son sobrecargadas por descargas nanovotaicas y algunos presidentes como el de Japón, Corea, China Venezuela. Entre los distintos Crímenes que realizan también hacen que las elecciones sean ganadas con este tipo de manipulaciones.
    Entre otros crímenes se encuentran el de Danilo Anderson. Danilo Anderson tenía pruebas en contra del hijo de José Vicente Rangel.

    Los accidentes provocado por algunas agencias CHINAS JAPONESAS Y COREANAS INCLUYEN LA REFINERIA DE AMUAY
    Ministerio Público
    Denuncia Violaciones a Los derechos Humanos Torturas.
    Campana Mundial Contra las Cauterizaciones, Torturas, Utilización de Armas para deterioro de ADN, Cauterizaciones Celulares y Emisión de Descrgas Nano Voltaicas.

       En esta primera comunicación quisiéramos explicarles la intención de presentar este caso.
    Para introducir a los abogados en estos tipos violaciones a los derechos humanos, Al recolectar información acerca de cómo algunas organizaciones de estudio de la raza humana realizan actividades criminales de acoso, deterioro genético, manipulaciones y daños biológicos.
    Como parte de la información que se presenta para que sea examinada se tienen archivos, libros de agencias, organizaciones de estudio de la raza humana, grabaciones, programas de televisión, precedentes legales, metodologías de investigación para la determinación de tecnologías, Discovery Chanel y History Chanel, Producción RTVE División de Neuro Ciencias Sevilla Implantación de Nano Electrodos (Técnicas de Borrado Selectivo de Memoria), NCTV y TVS.
