Friday, March 4, 2011

Please Help Me If You Can

March 4,2011

Please, Help Me If You Can

By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

I am calling on my relatives, both father and mother sides, particularly those who have the means and the capacity to help a poor relative. If only I have my own dwelling, I could have refrained myself from asking some sort of assistance from my kith and kin. However, I have been renting a house for the past 20 years now since I started to live independently away from any siblings’ reliance. Our parents have already passed away many years ago. Because of poverty, some of my siblings were not even able to finish high school education. We have separated from each other earlier than most instances that happened to a poor family. It was only thru my initiative efforts that I was able to study in high school as a working student in ICC (now De La Salle University) in Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental where my siblings and I grew up.

I was able to take up journalism when I decided to go to Metro Manila where I worked in the past and stayed there for several years. But when I lost my job I was forced to stop my study. My experiences of acquiring some commonly manual works including two private companies where I happened to work did not make me well enough to live a much better life than when I was still young. The little progress in my life did not serve well to materialize my desire to own a house until now.

If only there would be an existing housing projects initiated by the Government exclusively for the poor Filipinos who are houseless that could be owned thru affordably low monetary monthly payment for the period of ten years, I could have my own house and lot now. But there is none that exist here and I’m still renting and always moving from one house to another like a migratory bird.

It would be taxing to always be renting. My little savings would usually be used mainly for a monthly rental. It seems that houseless people are always struggling everyday to be able to pay one’s monthly obligations to their landlords/landladies. If you happen to live in a boarding house owned by a non-compassionate landlord or landlady, chances are you will be ordered to leave the house and look for another boarding house. But how can you look for another lodging house, when in the first place you were not able to pay your preceding rental obligation? You see! This is the common fate that would happen in some occasions to some boarders who have no immediate funds to pay for their house rents. It would be hard indeed and hurtful for those who have undergone such experiences.

The housing projects that I know available are only for those government workers who have contributed to PAGIBIG fund. How about those who are not government workers and have no money to contribute regularly for 20 years at least as requirement for possible acquisition of PAG-IBG-sponsored housing units? The poor have none of this kind.

We are calling on the present Administration of President Benigno Simeon Aquino,111 and to the succeeding Presidency to please consider for the establishing of another kind of government-sponsored housing projects exclusively constructed for houseless poor Filipinos who have no house of their own, but continue to live under the dictation and mercy of their respective landladies or landlords who imposed monthly rentals according to their satisfying wishes.

I’m not talking about the housing projects under the supervision of the so-called Urban Poor. It seems that these so-called Urban Poor dwellings -approach did not really cater to those who are indeed poor. I heard stories that most of these so-called “Urban Poor” are not really poor people. Unofficial reports have it that they were the first to gain an acquisition of housing units, because they have the means to pay much quickly than the poor ones. How true is this?

Indeed, there’s really the need to construct in every province of the country housing units, exclusively for the genuine poor. Genuine poor refers those who have only a little income, but did not own houses of their own and continue paying their monthly rentals for many years already. Another Chairman of this kind of housing projects is needed for him to focus on the task of surveying the genuine poor anchor on the premise that these poor Filipinos are houseless and continue to pay monthly renting for their respective dwellings.

Vie-President Jejomar Binay’s Chairmanship of Pag-ibig –sponsored housing projects should be his focus so that this kind of projects he’s tasked to do would be effectively implemented, with similar expectations to that of the Chairmanship’s in the housing units for the genuine poor Filipinos in all provinces of the archipelago.

I hope that officials appointed by the new President to the housing committee will be able to read this article in the internet and will be moved with altruistic concern. That a compassionate concern would drive the Chairman Committee on Housing projects and its members in Congress for the millions of poor Filipinos to act with dispatch. And that plans for the approach of truly helping the millions of poor Filipinos will be realized in the near future.

Nevertheless, on my personal side, it’s too long years for me to wait. But my abovementioned idea is worth implementing for the Aquino Administration to start the planning now for the welfare and benefit of millions of poor houseless Filipinos who I am specifying categorically here in this piece. We, the millions of us poor Filipinos are hoping the government will bail us out soon from our predicament and plight.

On my part, I have been struggling for more than 20 years now of monthly renting from different boarding houses that I happened to live in different places. And I think that this duration is quite long enough for my endurance to suffer from such kind of struggle. I hope that a well-off relatives or relative who has owned a big lot would be kind enough to share a part of his/her land for constructing a house that could accommodate 6 to 7 persons. It would be good if there would be a portion of his lot also which I could plant some vegetables for family consumption and could also plant some fruit trees so that I would not be buying always vegetables and fruits in the public market.

Here are the marks to show to which I am related by blood on both sides of my father and my mother. My maternal grandmother is Marcela Almendras (deceased) whose roots are from Ilocos Norte. My maternal great grandfather is Pastor Almendras (deceased) who hails from Laoag, Ilocos Norte. My mother Lourdes Almendras Monte de Ramos (deceased) was born in Southern Leyte province. My maternal grandfather is Tomas C. Monte de Ramos (deceased) of Southern Leyte. All I know about my grandfather’s lineage is that the Monte de Ramos clan originally settled in barangay Nasaug, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Some of them have migrated to other places in the province and even some have moved to settle in Mindanao. I have also three or four first cousins who are now living in various areas in Mindanao to look for a greener pasture.

Nonetheless, our great greatgrandfather who bears the family name of Monte de Ramos hails from the province of Negros Oriental. He migrated to Southern Leyte and got married here. Some of his siblings chose to settle in Mindanao. His progeny got married and their children have multiplied. That’s why there are so many Monte de Ramoses in Southern Leyte.

On the other hand, my paternal grandfather is Agapito Gorpido (deceased) of Pambujan, Northern Samar. My paternal grandmother is Eugenio Siervo (deceased) also of Pambujan, Northern Samar. My father is Quirico Siervo Gorpido, Sr.(deceased). I also know that there are some Siervos living in the province of Negros Oriental .With this information that I’ve got somewhere, I have the perception that these Siervos have the highest possibility that they belong to only one tree that the Siervos in Northern Samar have progenically belonged.

With my aforementioned family backgrounds my kith and kin who happen to read this article can now easily identify themselves definitely with me who needs their compassionate help. I hope that some of my distinguished relatives or relative who has the capacity to offer help will have the great interest to extend his/her generous help in sharing part of his/her large lot that I can own. And where a proposed house can be constructed and that I can plant also some vegetable and some fruit trees for family consumption. In this way I will not be buying always at the public market for such things. Similarly, I can have my own permanent residence and that no one will be driving me out anymore because I have no available money to pay for my monthly rent.

I hope that a kindhearted and generous relative who have the means to help me will be able to read my piece in the internet and will readily contact me thru my email address here in my blog (click About Me piece above the template’s interface).I’ll be waiting for your help.

I’ll reiterate, I hope that some of my relatives, both mother side and father side, who are internet users will be able to read this piece in the internet and are or is interested to extend a compassionate generosity of sharing his/her portion of his/her big lot for a house construction where I could permanently live, and can also plant some vegetables and fruit trees for family consumption. I also hope that such kind of a relative or relatives with golden hearts can read this article in the internet. I hope. (Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Well-Planned Robbery Ends In A Fiasco

March 2,2011

A Well-Planned Robbery Ends In A Fiasco

By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The equipments and tools that the robbers were bringing in robbing the Henry Lhuillier Pawnshop in brgy.Abgao, this city, which they have left inside, were proofs that they were big-time robbers.

It’s a well-planned robbery the way it was carried out.It was believed that the suspected robbers were studying the pawnshop’s location and how to penetrate inside, since the store is always double-loc ked at closing time.

The robbers believed to be composed of either three or four men, have make use of the neck-deep canal dig last year and doubled with series connection of culverts as part of the streets widening in this city.

The opening of the canal’s exist was below the bridge, which served as a boundary between brgys.Abgao and Tunga-Tunga, was more or less 100 meters away from the victim-pawnshop.

Police Investigator PO2 Danny A. Araba informed that it took three to four days for the robbers to dig a hole that would allow them to reach the pawnshop’s floorings. The robbers have cut the steelbars, which provides strength to the floorings, before they could destroy the concrete floor for their final entrance.

The alongside location of the long canal down to the river where the bridge was, was more or less 3 meters away from the floor’s hole. The size of its diameter was big enough to allow the passage of a regular body size of a male person.

The investigator claimed that based on their analysis the suspects started digging the hole, after destroying the culvert, as early as 6:00 p.m. At this time different vehicles passing by the Tomas Oppus street would be producing various kinds of sounds and noises that would drowned whatever noise or sound activity done below the ground.

The robbery was discovered the following day Wednesday morning recently when employees have reported to t heir works.

Earlier, the responding police operatives led by Araba rushed to the pawnshop after one of the employees called the Maasin Police Station.

However, the way the suspects did their dangerous activities inside the store to rob it of its valuable items was a great failure. They have miserably missed their target in order to make away with the jewelries and other valuable goods placed inside the P1M worth vault.

As shown in the police’s pictures the robbers used acetylene to incise a vault’s compartment but that particular storeroom was empty. It was obvious that they ran out of acetylene supply and have tried to open the vault thru its lock combinations that they have destroyed.

Apparently, it took too much time for them to try to open another compartment, but they already ran out of time to possess the hidden wealth including pawned cellphones.Our source said that when they sensed that it was already dawn, they have decided to flee at about three or four a.m. leaving behind their equipments and tools.

HLP ‘s Area Manager Dante Verano told police that the suspects took their weighing scale and diamond-gold gauge all worth P27,000.00.They used to exclude it from other items in hiding inside their vault.

The police said the damaged vault contained undetermined amount of jewelries, other accessories and important documents.

Helpers/waiters at a store next to HLP informed the police operatives that at about 10:00 p.m. they have heard an explosion. However, they said they could not figure out what kind of explosion it was.

It was also learned that unlike most stores, whose owners would just leave their products on the stalls, it was the standing policy of all pawnshops to always keep their goods and other items inside their vaults during closing time.

The police further revealed that it took from 5:00p.m. up to 11:00p.m. for the knowledgeable HLP’s technician to open the damaged vault.

Equipments and tools that were left by the suspects at the crime scene were: 1 unit blue-colored 2.7 kg LPG tank(GAZ-brand name) with green and red-colored duplex hose, approximately 78 inches in length; 1 unit color green acetylene(Conairco-brand name); 2 pcs. red and orange Jack 32 tons; 1 unit orange-colored chargeable flashlights (Bamo-marking); 1 unit steelsaw with handle(Creston-name); 3 pcs. hand gloves; 3 pcs. steel bars; 1 pc. Big nail; 2 pcs. electrical fliers; 1 pc. Adjustable wrench; 1 pc. Screw driver; 1 pc. Lighter; 1 pc.EMI’s match; 1 pair green-colored slipper; 3 pcs. Tapelone with markings Maasin Star; 1 ballcap (Nike brand); 1 pc. Belt bag; 1 pc. Black bag (GAP-brand name); assorted clothes

and jagging pants; 8 pcs.2 by 1 mahogany lumber; 3 pcs. 3 by 4, 1.7 feet mahogany lumber; 2 pcs. 4 by 4 by 2.6 =36 inches lumber.

Moreover, some observers have the notion that the robbers were wearing gas masks to protect them from the unbearable and pungent stink and rubberized clothings to prevent various viruses from entering inside their bodies while wading and soaking in the dirty water.

Additionally, this is also the first time ever of a pawnshop where the robbers used the long canal as the passageway and dug an underground 3-meter hole and destroyed its flooring to enter inside.

(Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

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Tan Yue Han General Merchandise(Infront of HM Enterprises near Maasin Southern Commercial),Tunga-Tunga,Maasin City,So.Leyte.Dealer of medicinal herbs/plants, imported vitamins and minerals supplements, cosmetics and beauty items, juice drinks,etcetera,at reasonable prices.

Snake's Rare Appearance Atop Mahogany Tree Attracts Plazagoers But Kills For Causing Fear

March 2,2011

Snake’s Rare Appearance Atop Mahogany Tree Attracts Plazagoers But Kills For Causing Fear

By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The snake’s rare appearance atop the mahogany tree at the Anatalio Gaviola plaza has attracted curious plazagoers, promenaders and passers by but caused fear among the crowd of onlookers.

The light green and brown spotted snake, which was called Sawa in the vernacular, was noticed by plazagoers at past three in the afternoon. It set the fire of attraction from those who have heard its rare presence at the open place.

As the snake’s remained unmoved from its grip on a tree branch near the Rizal monument, not far from the small stores near the SJC elementary school, more people were coming looking up the mahogany tree.

It’s length of less than 2 meters, with a body size similar to the size of a green-colored bottle of red wine found in grocery stores, has posed a threatening aura of fear to most of them.

As it reached dusk until seven in the evening, some firemen and the police have responded to the call about the snake’s presence that remained atop the tree for about 4 hours already.

When they arrived one of the firemen trained the hose pointing to the snake’s location. His colleague opened the firetruck’s water tank and released a forceful volume of water hitting the creeping creature for several minutes.

However, the pressure and the water’s impact against the snake did not make it move. The more it tightened its firm gripping and the fireman gave up.

Two unidentified men volunteered to c limb up the tree to do something against the snake. But before they could reach the top, they backed out and went down, overwhelmned by their fear of being bitten once they touch the snake. The two groups have decided to move out.

On the other hand, Mayor Maloney Samaco, who sensed that the presence of such snake for long hours at the mahogany tree has brought fear to majority of those who have seen it, has finally decided to call the police and ordered them to shoot it.

SPO3 Basilio L.Hinunangan was chosen by his colleagues to do the shooting. According to a witness, he used a 22.caliber gun and shot it three times hitting on the head. It swirled and loosened it tight hold and dropped to the ground.

Some city dwellers have speculated that the continual rains for weeks have saturated the snake’s hole habitat, where it chose to dwell, with water making it uninhabitable.

They claimed it’s possible that the snake took refuge at the public plaza by climbing up the mahogany tree.

Mating Habit

Nevertheless, BFP’s Arson Investigator Achmad “Joel” Jarabe disclosed that according to the information he gathered in the internet, female snakes after mating with the male snakes of its kind would tend to climb up the tree and stay there until it would be time for them to lay their eggs.

He said that if the snake atop a tree would decide to move or transfer to a nearby tree, it would not go down to the ground.

Instead, it would summoned its full power and energy as it unwind its gripping tail “to jump-fly” towards another tree, he explained.

He further informed that the snake’s style of laying their eggs is like a sea turtle.”After laying its eggs on the ground”, he said, “the snake would cover it with the sand or soil and leave”.

Like a Mother Hen, other kinds of snakes have possessed motherly concerns for their young. They will protect their babies against predators and from human harm.”When their eggs would hatch, the mother snakes would watch for their babies”, he said.

In brgy.Kawayan, Libagon, this province, where my late uncle was residing with his family, a neighbor reported one afternoon that his friend who was gathering firewoods in the bushes was being chased by a red-colored snake when the latter has noticed that the former was approaching her “babies”. Luckily, the mother snake had stopped chasing him when he had gone farther and went back to her brood.

Furthermore, some city folks have confided that for the past three decades this is the very first time that such a snake has taken refuge at the public plaza by climbing up the tree.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Kuting Reef Beach Resort & Spa

(a place for recreation, relaxation and personal enjoyment

With friends and families, backdrop by fine sandy beach and open sea, away from the

Hustle and bustle of city heavy traffic. Available aircon and naturally ventilated rooms

And foods’ availability at reasonable prices. It is located in an enclave conducive for conducting

Conferences and seminars/workshops. A less than 30-minute non-stop drive from Maasin city proper. Email address L( at brgy. Asuncion, Macrohon.

Panny’s Bakeshop (Infront of Mercury Drug)

Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Telephone no.

(053)381-2041.Accept Orders.

Panny’s Home Products Bakeshop

Tacloban Branch,Gomez corner Paterno St.

Telephone number (053)321-5353.Accept Orders.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Farmer Falls From Binonga Tree

March 1,2011
Farmer Falls From A Binonga Tree

By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-A farmer who was gathering firewood on his way to another barangay,in the municipality of Malitbog,about 2 hours drive by passenger bus from this city, has fallen down upon a binonga tree when he cut its dead branch.

The victim was identified as Alex Dagatan Junio,34 years old, married, and has five children. He was a resident of sitio Kapayas in the hinterland barangay of Aurora, which is three kilometers away from brgy. San Vicente, Malitbog, located along the national highway.

In an interview at the Salvacion Oppus- YƱiguez Memorial Provincial Hospital (SOYMPH), he said that he was on his way to San Vicente for some personal purpose.

Upon reaching within the vicinity of brgy San Vicente, he saw a big tree called Binonga and found some dead branches that were good for firewood.

“I climbed up the tree and cut off one of its dead branches”, he said. “However, it did not fall down right away, since a clinging vine held onto one of its large twigs”.

He said he cut off the vine and a twig sprung up, almost hitting him on the head. He dodged to parry from its lash by turning around on the other side of the tree’s trunk.

Nevertheless, he happened to step on a weak branch that gave way, he said, and he fell on the tree about five meters from the stony ground below.

He said his chest hit upon a huge stone with so severe a pain that he could hardly breathe. And his two accompanying children were crying.”Suerte lang kay wala ako matunong sa talinis nga mga batong bantilis nga anaa tungod sa binongang kahoy”, he said in Cebuano.(I’m still lucky that I was not hit upon a hard sharp stones that were on the ground right below the binonga tree.)

Several minutes later when he was able to breath, he said, he and his children shouted for help.

Some folks in the nearby area have responded to his emergency call and he was rushed to the highway.

They then contacted the municipal ambulance which whisked him to the provincial hospital here.

He was accompanied by his elder brother.

X-ray results showed that the victim’s leftside rib on his chest was forcibly pressed down by the impact of his fall hitting the large stone. However, he has no other bone injury on other parts of his body.

A tube was inserted on his left side to drain out the dead blood accumulating inside. During the time of the interview, already more than a liter of it was flashed out.

He said that his resident attending physician- surgeon Dr.Jude Aspirin has scheduled him for an operation to completely take out the remaining dead blood, which has contributed to his chest’s pain and hard breathing rhythm.

As of presstime the victim was already discharged from confinement.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

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